Hackathon / Free of charge
Internet of Things
18 - 19 March 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Hackathon / Free of charge
Product Dev Belarus
18 - 20 March 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Belarus Big Data User Group Meetup #14
17 March 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Lecture / Paid participation
FullStack Gathering by MinskJS
12 March 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Master class / Paid participation
Ember 2.0 для современного фронтенда в Минске
22 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Free of charge
С++ CoreHard Conf 2016
13 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
LVEE Winter 2016
12 - 14 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Web Not Bombs: Frontend #6
11 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
PyCon Belarus’16
6 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Free of charge
Party Hard!
6 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Party Hard! 2016
4 - 6 February 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Lecture / Free of charge
Стартап и финансы
20 January 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Paid participation
MODX Meetup Minsk 2015
19 December 2015
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
CocoaConf Belarus 2015
12 December 2015
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
Стартап года - 2015
12 - 13 December 2015
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
DevGAMM Minsk 2015
10 - 11 December 2015
Minsk, Belarus


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